Pre-exercise meeting in Ireland

Wicklow: The Ireland exercise’s physical Pre-Exercise Meeting was conducted from 3-5 February with the participation of our project manager Josef H. Riener. 👏 There is a lot of preparations going on on several levels (administrative, logistics etc.). Some of the exercise sites were visited. Together with colleagues from different authorities on national and regional/local levels, […]
“Asymmetric and hybrid threats – the new challenge for critical infrastructures” workshop

The new year is already off to a very intense start at our company. With our partner Störfallmanagement Stolar e.U. we conducted a strategic workshop about new developments in civil protection, bringing together experts from various areas of security, civil protection, technology and politics. “Asymmetric and hybrid threats – the new challenge for critical infrastructures”:In an increasingly […]
‘Training of Trainers’ Workshop

Our Head of International Projects, Josef H. Riener had quite busy weeks. Last week he attended the ‘Training of Trainers’ Workshop in Ede, the Netherlands. EU MODEX aims to better prepare EU civil protection modules, response capacities, civil protection authorities and experts for international deployments under the Union Civil Protection Mechanism (UCPM). This series of […]
1st design meeting in Tenerife and 2nd design meeting in Irland

Our project manager, Josef H. Riener attended both meetings. publiComm provides support for our longstanding partner, the Department for Emergency Situations (DSU), Romania in this project.This support includes the different areas like administration and project management, logistics, services and purchases, continuous media coverage, dissemination and visibility for the project, and supporting the visibility of the […]
Weekly team meeting

Last week we had our weekly team meeting in person (pictures made by our CEO), where we had the chance to discuss the ongoing EU MODEX – EUCPT-Tast project next steps. We had a long but very fruitful planning meeting regarding future projects. We also discussed our task sharing, implemented new ideas to work even […]
First design meeting in Ireland

We are happy to be part of the EU MODEX EUCPT-TAST project team. At the first design meeting in Ireland, publiComm was represented by Josef H. Riener, who is responsible for international projects. It was a very fruitful and intense working session. Some important decisions for the next project steps were made including the Term of References […]
Exchange with our experts

The Civil Protection Forum offered not just to meet new colleagues, but also to meet “old friends”. Harald Maierl-Fellner and Josef H. Riener met Brigitta Dr. Sáfár, who participated in the workshop “Behavioural Dimension of Disaster Prevention and Climate Adaptation,” on behalf of the Hungarian Red Cross. They met Dr. Tímár Tamás, too, who works […]
European Civil Protection Forum

The 8th European Civil Protection Forum took place in Brussels on June 4th and 5th under the theme: “Building a disaster resilient Union: setting the course for the future of European civil protection”. The event was an excellent opportunity to look back on the achievements of the EU Civil Protection Mechanism and to develop ideas […]
Interview with our CEO, Harald Maierl-Fellner

Q.: publiComm is involved in a new project. Can you tell us some details about publiComm’s role? Harald: publiComm is a subcontractor in cycle 12 from EU MODEX EUCPT-TAST, Lot4 project. Our company is involved and responsible for project administration, services and purchases, meeting management, continuous media coverage, dissemination and visibility for the project, and […]
“Workshop on the exercise design” in Rome

The two-day “Workshop on the exercise design” in Rome has been finished successfully. It was hosted by the Department for International Relations of the Dipartimento Protezione Civile (Italian Civil Protection Department), one of the consortium partners of Lot4. Our CEO, Harald Maierl-Fellner participated in the meetings representing publiComm. The scenario of the first exercise to […]