We were a member of the INDIMA (INtegrated DIsaster Management: Go Digital – a new approach for CP projects) consortium, developed and enhanced a network concept for better and holistic civil protection and disaster risk management by integrating all relevant stakeholders into a new concept.

The project INDIMA covered the following focal points: needs assessment, key stakeholder mapping, an online survey and three online workshops on communication, legal aspects, and interoperability. The outcomes of this process led to a concept for an integrated approach with tools like a handbook and checklists (printed and as MS Office templates).

This concept was tested in a SIMEX (Simulation exercise) with some 40 participants from several European states, the situation was visualised in a virtual reality-supported simulation. It shows a large disaster with cascading effects, involving several EU and non-EU states.

PubliComm was responsible for two work packages, giving technical and organisational advice, and supporting in managing the project. PCC was responsible for WP2, planning and activities and WP3, communication. PCC provided several key experts and independent consultants for project development with extensive experience in national and international missions, project management, disaster risk management, critical infrastructure risks and relief coordination.

The project communication, visibility and dissemination were covered in WP3, project and SIMEX handbooks, the publishing of the printed INDIMA quick reference guide, and the visibility items.