Another annual meeting of publiComm‘s core team and experts was conducted on the 12th of January.
We could look back on the year 2023 with a lot of new achievements. Last year the project EU HNS was successfully finished, and this year new opportunities are coming up. One of them, is we are again participating in an EU-funded tender.
We could also introduce our new logo and launch our new homepage, which was a very intense time to analyse and visualise the structures and profiles of our company.
Additionally, we proudly presented the reference book „Krisen und Katastrophen managen“ (Managing crisis and disasters), written in German for German-speaking readers, which was printed in our publishing house and edited by Joe Riener. For sure this was not our last journey in publishing around disaster management, humanitarian aid, and civil protection.
We received an excellent instructive presentation from Dr. Alexander Stolar about „New challenges in civil protection“. Again, a big thanks goes to him because it started an extremely fruitful discussion and foresight for future developments in this area. How is civil protection changing and what are the challenges in the upcoming years?
Jimmy Zimmermann professionally moderated the annual meeting, and the core team was involved in the planning and designing of the internal organisation of the various upcoming projects. Thanks to our motivated staff we managed to have new insights and ideas for the upcoming projects and developments: Dr. Alexander Stolar, Josef H. Riener, Barbara Debre, Eva Kröpfl, Harald Maierl-Fellner, Franz Permoser, Daniel Bointner and Wolfgang Zimmermann.
It was again a pleasure and a great exchange to meet all the people behind several phone calls, video meetings and shared tasks in person.